

When another year is full, the moon will be a thousand miles away

Date:2021.09.24   Views:697

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a happy day for reunion. People like to reunite with their relatives on the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, enjoy the moon, eat moon cakes, and talk freely. Zhenhong is a family-like company. In order to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, I would like to thank all my colleagues for their hard work for the development of Zhenhong's career. The company will take a day off on September 21 and give out a box of moon cakes to each employee as the Mid-Autumn Festival. Boxing ceremony brings the company's care and holiday warmth to employees. At the same time, in order to make all Zhenhong colleagues a happy holiday, at 16:30 on September 20th, a Mid-Autumn Festival event was held on the first floor of the Zhenhong workshop. All Zhenhong elites participated in the grand event and celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival. This Mid-Autumn Festival event is rich in content, wonderful programs, and active atmosphere. It is a very successful employee party!
The general manager's speech warms people's hearts
At the beginning of the event, all Zhenhong employees formally entered the venue in the music of "Singing the Motherland" and sat as non-voting delegates. Entering the first event agenda, General Manager Wang of Zhenhong delivered a brief but solemn Mid-Autumn Festival speech as the head of the family. Mr. Wang first thanked all the employees for their hard work in Zhenhong’s business, and then pointed out that the purpose of the event is to make every employee feel at home in the company and enjoy the warm holiday atmosphere. This holiday event will inform all the employees of Zhenhong. The company’s business development in the past period of time, and at the same time looking forward to the company’s strategic transformation, the adjustment of the internal system in a people-oriented direction, and the external shaping of Zhenhong’s brand transformation. Finally, I wish the employees a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy family. Mr. Wang's speech only lasted a few minutes, but the words and words warm people's hearts, so that every employee present felt the company's cordial care and revitalized the corporate culture of "family spirit".
Many wonderful programs
Afterwards, Mr. Zhu and Mr. Xie presented awards to production experts and skilled experts, and Mr. Wang presented awards to excellent management. Excellent employees are the company’s greatest wealth. They fully affirm the dedicated employees and set an example for all employees. , Clarify the way forward. In order to invigorate the atmosphere of the party, the company specially designed a lucky draw, drawing 195 third prizes. The participation of employees was very high. The venue was very hot and the atmosphere was very active. Then came the speech agenda of the outstanding employee representative Huang Chaomei. As a veteran employee, he has worked hard and strives for perfection in his post for ten years, which is the best interpretation of Zhenhong's dedicated, dedicated, and meticulous craftsman spirit. The next event is the employee birthday party in March, April, August, and September. In the big family of Zhenhong, with the thunderous applause, we will spend a collective birthday with long-lasting blessings. Subsequently, 15 second prizes came to fruition, with a big red envelope of 200 yuan in cash, and the winning employees smiled like a flower. Mr. Zhu and Mr. Xie sang a song "Walking on the Path in the Mountains" to send sincere wishes to all employees during the festival. The singing is melodious and touching. In the end, it was the most exciting first prize draw. In the end, he won the 2,000 yuan red envelope award and became the lucky winner, pushing the atmosphere of the Mid-Autumn Festival party to the top.
   Fingers are too wide, time is too thin, joy is especially perishable, but the beautiful memory in my heart is an eternal mark. So far, the Zhenhong Mid-Autumn Festival event has come to an end. All employees are full of warmth, hand-carried gifts, dressed in stars, and embarked on their way home. This Mid-Autumn Festival event fully demonstrated the atmosphere of the big family "warm, harmony, happiness, unity, and forge ahead". This kind of excellent corporate culture inspires every Zhenhong people to forge ahead bravely, believe in themselves, believe in the team, and unite as one. Forging ahead hand in hand, we are moving forward in the ups and downs, we have been in the same boat for 20 years, and we will cooperate to create a better future in the future.